The X-Blogs’ graphic novel explores the life of Maddie Dab, a self-proclaimed Oddologist, freelance journalist and daily blogger, who investigates the supernatural world around her and reports it back without the usual bias slant applied by today’s mainstream media.
Maddie is known as the ‘Open Minded Sceptic’, and her monthly column ‘Truth Serum’ is beginning to pick up a healthy readership in a local Brisbane rag called ‘The Daily Dispatch’.
Kicking off in Winter 2018, Maddie falls madly in love with Alvar Dromer, a Para-anthropologist and part-time Ufologist. She meets her first love at the BIJAMBA UFO CLUB’s monthly meeting, and ends up (like most women) falling into Alvar’s life to the detriment of her own. However a research trip to the Amazon parts the two forever.
Winter 2019 ushers in the narcissist Zeth Shade, Paranormal Investigator and 'Gateway to all things Ghoul'. Maddie sets up an interview with the popular radio show host, and ends up accepting his invitation for Coffee, and to claim his heart - yet again this doesn't end well...
Summer 2019, a few more months have passed and we find ourselves at UFOZICON 2014. Maddie and boyfriend number three Brandon Cabal, US Conspiracy Theorist and wanted Hactivist are answering questions on both the paranormal and the latest government cover-ups on stage at the Conference.
Throw in a source known only as 'X-Posed' and a grey looking MIB, and you have an out-of-your-world adventure, enjoy...
Maddie is known as the ‘Open Minded Sceptic’, and her monthly column ‘Truth Serum’ is beginning to pick up a healthy readership in a local Brisbane rag called ‘The Daily Dispatch’.
Kicking off in Winter 2018, Maddie falls madly in love with Alvar Dromer, a Para-anthropologist and part-time Ufologist. She meets her first love at the BIJAMBA UFO CLUB’s monthly meeting, and ends up (like most women) falling into Alvar’s life to the detriment of her own. However a research trip to the Amazon parts the two forever.
Winter 2019 ushers in the narcissist Zeth Shade, Paranormal Investigator and 'Gateway to all things Ghoul'. Maddie sets up an interview with the popular radio show host, and ends up accepting his invitation for Coffee, and to claim his heart - yet again this doesn't end well...
Summer 2019, a few more months have passed and we find ourselves at UFOZICON 2014. Maddie and boyfriend number three Brandon Cabal, US Conspiracy Theorist and wanted Hactivist are answering questions on both the paranormal and the latest government cover-ups on stage at the Conference.
Throw in a source known only as 'X-Posed' and a grey looking MIB, and you have an out-of-your-world adventure, enjoy...
The Abduction
The Ufologist
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